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Joshua Zeltman

Joshua Zeltman

Joshua Zeltman is an Experience Technologist, AEM Rockstar finalist, and founder of AEM.News with more than six years of experience working within the AEM ecosystem.

A Deeeeeep Dive into Sling Models, plus News, Events, and more

A Deeeeeep Dive into Sling Models, plus News, Events, and more
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A deep dive into the what, why & how of Sling Models, News, Events, Articles, Jobs, & More

Joshua Zeltman
Joshua Zeltman
Using Tailwind with AEM

Using Tailwind with AEM
Members Public

TailwindCSS is one of the best CSS frameworks out there with it's popularity skyrocketing as the team continues to bring exciting new features and releases. Using Tailwind with AEM might seem like a strange fit, but you will see that leveraging the @apply directive from Tailwind fits perfectly within the

Joshua Zeltman
Joshua Zeltman
Integrations for Launch, Notifications, Deployments, & Event-Based Triggers

Integrations for Launch, Notifications, Deployments, & Event-Based Triggers
Members Public

One of the best features of the Adobe Experience Cloud and Platform is it's integrations powered by Adobe I/O. This week we will learn how to leverage the Adobe I/O Runtime for various applications like better notifications, smoother deployments, integration with Adobe Launch, and Adobe Experience Platform. Our

AEM Community
AEM Community

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An astonishing 2.5 trillion PDFs are created every year. The PDF Viewer Core Component integrates with the PDF Embed API to beautifully present your content

Joshua Zeltman
Joshua Zeltman
2.5 trillion PDFs and Integrations galore

2.5 trillion PDFs and Integrations galore
Members Public

Welcome to Issue #6 of the AEM NewsLetterIn this issue we've got the event calendar for the week, some new releases and quick links, along with two themed sections covering PDFs and Adobe I/O Integrations. There are several Solution Partner events this week that might be of interest: Tuesday

Joshua Zeltman
Joshua Zeltman
Let's get analytical and integrate all of the things

Let's get analytical and integrate all of the things
Members Public

Welcome to Issue 5 of the AEM NewsLetterIt's a day later than usual, but we've doubled content to make up for it with our biggest issue yet! Β This edition is packed with exciting tools, events, great articles, and it's our first issue to include articles focused on the broader Adobe

Joshua Zeltman
Joshua Zeltman

Jobs Report: 13 October 2020
Members Public

Subscribe to AEM.News to see the Jobs Report and more timely and insightful content for the Adobe Experience ecosystem.

Joshua Zeltman
Joshua Zeltman

Jobs Report: 5 October 2020
Members Public

Subscribe to AEM.News to see the Jobs Report and more timely and insightful content for the Adobe Experience ecosystem.

Joshua Zeltman
Joshua Zeltman