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Joshua Zeltman

Joshua Zeltman

Joshua Zeltman is an Experience Technologist, AEM Rockstar finalist, and founder of AEM.News with more than six years of experience working within the AEM ecosystem.

No-Code Core Components Course, New Releases, Events, & More

No-Code Core Components Course, New Releases, Events, & More
Members Public

Welcome to Issue #8 of the AEM.News LetterThis week we've got some great articles for you, along with some interesting events, and some new releases. A little more than a week ago we passed the 100 subscriber mark! Last week we officially launched the new home of the newsletter

AEM Community
AEM Community
"No-Code" Core Components Course

"No-Code" Core Components Course
Members Public

There's never been a better time to build websites due to the abundance of options available and as a result the 'no-code' and 'lean-code' offerings are transforming how products get made and business gets done. The Adobe Experience Manager is as powerful as it is complex which has prohibited it's

Joshua Zeltman
Joshua Zeltman

Introducing Adobe Experience Platform’s New Digital Experience Blueprints
Members Public

In this post, Adobe Experience Platformintroduces Digital Experience Blueprints — a whole new way to learn and understand how you can use its technology to build incredible customer experiences. Introducing Adobe Experience Platform’s New Digital Experience BlueprintsIn this post, Adobe Experience Platform introduces Digital Experience Blueprints — a whole new way

Joshua Zeltman
Joshua Zeltman

Adobe Client Data Layer 1.1.3 is out!
Members Public

– It fixes support for IE 11. – It removes many race conditions issues (since v1.1.1). – It's included in the latest release of the AEM Core Components 2.12.0. adobe/adobe-client-data-layerAn event-driven store for all trackable data of your site. - adobe/adobe-client-data-layeradobeGitHub

Joshua Zeltman
Joshua Zeltman
XML Documentation for AEM

XML Documentation for AEM
Members Public

This guide is a work in progress Links: Adobe DITAWORLD 2020 Virtual Conference: XML Documentation for Scalable Technical KnowledgeAPI – Fetch all DITA Map dependenciesCode snippets – XML Add-OnExpand your AEM Customer base with XML Documentation for AEMXML Documentation for Adobe Experience Manager Landing PagePWA generator for the XML Addon

Joshua Zeltman
Joshua Zeltman

Core Components 2.12.0
Members Public

Core Components 2.12.0 are out! It comes with 31 enhancements & fixes, among which: – a new form POST handler – a capability to include custom CSS & JS – a cool DataLayerBuilder utility Release Core Components 2.12.0 · adobe/aem-core-wcm-componentsThis release contains several bugfixes and enhancements, most notably: New

Joshua Zeltman
Joshua Zeltman
Sling Models

Sling Models
Members Public

Sling models are at the core of AEM Core Components and should be the foundation for custom components as well. This Guide will give you the what, why and how for Sling Models.

Joshua Zeltman
Joshua Zeltman
Jobs Report: 28 October 2020

Jobs Report: 28 October 2020
Members Public

Subscribe to AEM.News to see the Jobs Report and more timely and insightful content for the Adobe Experience ecosystem.

Joshua Zeltman
Joshua Zeltman