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AEM Community

AEM Community

The AEM Community powers a large portion of the AEM.News, and without the community this site wouldn't be what it is today.

Managing Millions of Mutations per second & Tons of Tools

Managing Millions of Mutations per second & Tons of Tools
Members Public

This week's News Letter is jam-packed with tools and articles to simplify AEM development and improve your customer experience through personalized content

Joshua Zeltman
Joshua Zeltman
Fast and easy AEM deployment in the cloud

Fast and easy AEM deployment in the cloud
Members Public

Deployment of AEM in the cloud does not have to be complex and time-consuming. In this article, we describe a novel approach to AEM setup in the cloud using Gradle AEM plugin (GAP) supported by Terraform for the infrastructure and Ansible for configuration management. This article is the outcome of

AEM Community
AEM Community
Permission tests with APMT

Permission tests with APMT
Members Public

APMT (AEM Permission Matrix Tester) is a new library built on top of JUnit5, which allows to cover big part of permission test cases with little effort. Ease of use and readability, which are the main goals of the tool, are achieved through the use of DSL written in Kotlin.

AEM Community
AEM Community
Make integrations simple

Make integrations simple
Members Public

Integration with other systems is one of the most complex parts of software delivery. Is there a silver bullet that can address issues like flaky tests, unstable environments and non-trivial bugs that slow down the development? Integration testing is a complex problem. It is good to add a dose of

AEM Community
AEM Community
Dynamic Imports with Adobe AEM & Webpack

Dynamic Imports with Adobe AEM & Webpack
Members Public

Performance of AEM based sites can be greatly improved by leveraging Dynamic Imports using Webpack. Sites built with AEM use components to compose a page. As a best practice, developers should generally split their code at the component level and use clientlibrary feature to combine and minify their JavaScript files

AEM Community
AEM Community
Invoking a workflow from Servlet in AEM 6.5.5

Invoking a workflow from Servlet in AEM 6.5.5
Members Public

Here is an article on how we can implement a requirement where we want to automate the initiation of the AEM workflows in any servlet with some piece of code. So here we will see how to locate the workflow in the CRX and using the same path we can

AEM Community
AEM Community
Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) with AEM

Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP) with AEM
Members Public

Aspect-Oriented Programming(AspectJ) with Adobe Experience Manager(AEM)

AEM Community
AEM Community
A Blueprint for Audience Activation in Adobe Experience Platform

A Blueprint for Audience Activation in Adobe Experience Platform
Members Public

How many times have you bought something online, only to continue seeing ads for that product after you've made your purchase? By using Audience Activation in the Experience Platform, you can deliver the right content to the right customer. Instead of trying to sell them something they purchased, the Audience

AEM Community
AEM Community