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User identification and Adobe Target

User identification and Adobe Target
Members Public

A year ago I wrote about Declared IDs. I briefly mentioned then an issue that arises with setting these IDs: lazy loading and Adobe Target. However, I know that I did not explain too much about the issue. In this post I will get into more detail. Author: Pedro Monjo

AEM Community
AEM Community
Events this Week: 9-13 November 2020

Events this Week: 9-13 November 2020
Members Public

There's a bunch of great events and webinars to attend this week with something for everyone: Campaign, AEM Cloud, Magento, AEP, & More

AEM Community
AEM Community
What is Rapid Prototyping?

What is Rapid Prototyping?
Members Public

Rapid Prototyping is a process for quickly imagining, testing, and iterating ideas to get to the best solution as fast as possible.

Joshua Zeltman
Joshua Zeltman
Simplifying the Data Science Lifecycle with Adobe Platform Experience

Simplifying the Data Science Lifecycle with Adobe Platform Experience
Members Public

In this post, we explore how we can take a business problem to potential business outcomes using Adobe Experience Platform Data Science Workspace to quickly connect to data and build, experiment, validate and deploy machine learning models at scale. Authors: Tina Dilip Soni, Marina Mahtab, and Althaf Kudiyama Kandi Simplifying

AEM Community
AEM Community
What are Dynamic Imports and how to use them?

What are Dynamic Imports and how to use them?
Members Public

Dynamic imports or Code Splitting is the practice of breaking up your JavaScript modules into smaller bundles and loading them dynamically at runtime to improve and increase the performance of your website dramatically. Author: Tushar Mane What are Dynamic Imports and how to use them? - INITIALYZEDynamic imports or Code

AEM Community
AEM Community
How to Choose the Right Approach When Creating Adobe Target Offers

How to Choose the Right Approach When Creating Adobe Target Offers
Members Public

Deciding where to create personalized experiences with AEM and Adobe Target can be confusing. We’ve created an overview and decision chart that helps you make a better choice. Now the question is when to leverage the integration and when does it make sense to use the Target interface instead.

AEM Community
AEM Community
Factoring Continuous Destruction into a CI/CD Pipeline

Factoring Continuous Destruction into a CI/CD Pipeline
Members Public

Without proper monitoring and care, Continuous Integration and Deployment can be costly. When we create CI/CD, we need to pay attention to the cost factor and help with clean up/destruction. Shikha calls it Continuation Integration and Deployment and Continuous Destruction. This article discusses the benefits of this approach

AEM Community
AEM Community
BEM & Tailwind

BEM & Tailwind
Members Public

CSS - like many things in the world of programming - is difficult to organize, name, and maintain. This scales dramatically through the lifecycle of a project. There are many approaches to wrangle the complexity and two popular methods today are BEM and Tailwind. BEM CSS is a naming convention

Joshua Zeltman
Joshua Zeltman