Archetype, AEM as a Cloud Service, & More

Welcome to the second issue of the AEM NewsLetter.

In this issue we've got some great content covering AEM as a Cloud Service, CIF Core Components and the AEM Project Archetype updates. There's also a great article on improving the Authoring Experience for your users, as well as adding support for new language translations. Also, make sure to grab your tickets for adaptTo() 2020 if you haven't already.

If you'd like to see a specific topic covered, or have suggestions for other sources you'd like to see us cover, please comment below and let us know.

AEM Project Archetype 24

The new AEM Project Archetype was recently released with several new enhancements, features and 76 bugfixes. You can now generate your project with AMP Support for core components. Add support the Adobe Client Data Layer to simplify access to data and analytics CIF Core Components for Commerce-enabled AEM for both Classic AEM and AEM as a Cloud Service. New support for Selenium based UI testing powered by the automation framework. New Integration Testing using the AEM Testing Clients and some best practices for how to do so. And support for Core Components 2.11.0 including the new PDF Viewer component.

Technical Aspects of AEM as a Cloud Service

Jim Vogel & Josh Oransky | Gorilla Group

A high level overview of how AEM as a Cloud Service differs from Classic AEM implementations. Discussing the changes in deployment and upgrades between AEM as a Cloud Service and Classic AEM, and how those changes can provide more value for clients and faster development cycles.

AEM as a Cloud Service | Fact Sheet for Beginners

Vivekanand Mishra

As a follow-up to the high level overview above, this article provides more in-depth review of the changes, features and functionality of AEM as a Cloud Service. You'll learn the top features, development guidelines, key concepts, constraints and deprecated features.

AEM Maven Archetype 24 loaded with CIF

Nikhil Kumar

A quick tutorial on how to use the new AEM Archetype with the latest CIF Core Components for commerce-enabled AEM and some further details on the changes in usage for Classic AEM vs AEM as a Cloud Service.

How to Translate an AEM Adaptive Form

Apto Solutions

Here is an introduction to translating AEM Adaptive Forms. AEM supports 10+ languages for translation out-of-the-box, but perhaps your project requires support for another language. This step-by-step guide will help you add support to translate languages not included out-of-the-box, and some recommendations for best practices. Also included is an AEM Package with the configuration for support for Polish language translations.

An Introduction to Headless or Decoupled CMS in AEM 6.5

Kashyap Rai

AEM provided support for usage as a headless CMS since v6.3, but with each release the functionality and support has improved. Using AEM as a headless CMS can be beneficial to house all of your digital content in one location, and consume and present in many channels and form factors. This article provides an introduction and quick examples to begin using AEM's headless capabilities of Content Services and Content Fragments through the "Model JSON" API.

Improving the AEM Authoring Experience

Chris Millar

Learn how to improve the Authoring Experience for complex dialogs in AEM. Differentiating labels, descriptions, and concise language. Removing complex and redundant words. Adding custom CSS for better presentation. Leaning on mobile-first inheritance. Hiding complexity until it's needed. Leveraging Editable Templates and Render Conditions. And using Custom Icons.

AEM Workflows : How to Implement Parallel Approvals

Satya Palepu V V | ICF Engineering

An introduction to AEM Workflows and step-by-step instructions on customizing Workflow Approvals. To satisfy a requirement for "Parallel Approvals" for a group in an AEM Workflow, the author guides us through extending out-of-the-box functionality, to allow for multiple, parallel approvals from a group on a piece of content.

adaptTo() 2020 | 28th - 30th September 2020 | Tickets

adaptTo() is Europe's leading conference for Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) and the open source stack Apache Sling, Apache Felix and Apache Jackrabbit Oak. This year adaptTo() is 3 days of 35 talks and 3 workshops with 300+ attendees from all over Europe and the World. Checkout their YouTube for all the videos from previous conferences.